Saturday, November 21, 2009


Blog#5 from Lau

Tuckman's team-development model
While researching for information for my paper, I come across many articles that talk about leadership and team work in the internet. Teaming is not something new and there are many school of thoughts discuss about it with different model but with a purpose by having team that is working to achieve a common goal successfully.

By researching on articles, I found some papers related particularly to team building training material on team development for a regional telco’ hotline service team. In the document, the very first question asked was “Why we do work in teams?” some of the answers are as follow and is very relevant in the context of our team:

- It is the only way anything gets accomplished with any quality and efficiency
- Distribution of work or reduced workload
- Problem solving and decision making
- Management and control of work
- Information processing
- Information and idea collection, stimulate new ideas
- Co-ordination and liaison, to focus on what I’m good at while learning new skills
- Increasing commitment and involvement
- It facilitates solutions when things don’t go as planned
- Negotiation and conflict resolution
- Encourages learning from one another

Having said with the benefit of teamwork, there are still much to do to build a team - TRANSFORMERS that can work effectively and achieves common goals as stated in the governance agreement more efficiently.

The Forming – Storming – Norming – Performing is a model of team development, first proposed by Bruce Tuckman in 1965, who maintained that these phases are all necessary and inevitable in order for the team to grow, to face up to challenges, to tackle problems, to find solutions, to plan work, and to deliver results

There are characteristics of the team and team members that can clearly be identified which stage that the team/team members are in. As for “TRANSFORMERS”, we have met at the beginning of the course where the team learns about the challenges, and then agrees on goals and begins to tackle the tasks. The forming stage of any team is important because in this stage the members of the team get to know one another, exchange some personal information, and make new friends. This is also a good opportunity to see how each member of the team works as an individual and how they respond to pressure.

The team, TRANSFORMERS, has gone through 7 weeks of the journey since the beginning. There are several instances that crisis occurred that need certain leadership style to fix the issues. At present moment, the team has moved on from forming stage, and moving forward slowly to storming and norming stage. With the weekly report received as of week 7, almost 80% of the team members responded and reported the status of their work progress. The participation in reporting has improved as compared to last 2 weeks even though there is no progress in their weekly activities. This is the sign of team at the transitional stage between storming and norming whereby process, rules and regulations are being adhered to. There are areas that team members are quite productive, but there are also areas that need to put in extra effort.

Apart form the 80% team actively participated in the process to proceed further, there are still works to be done on the remaining 20% of the team member in which the Program Manager, Chris, has chosen to exercise the right given to him as PM to vote out underperformance team member in accordance to the team government agreement. There were objections coming from team members to vote out certain members before issuance of warning was given. Emergence of leaders in their own areas of expertise can now be seen with the response from the team. These leaders can now serve as second tier leaders apart from the appointed/volunteered PM to perform Transformational Leadership as well as Task-Oriented Leadership as to support the underperforming team members with the condition that those under performing team members willing to start to show their commitment and committed to self-help.

At this point, TRANSFORMERS’ team members can be categorized with following categorization:
1) Play to win
2) Playing not to lose
3) Play to lose
4) Not playing
Each and every player need to conduct a self check if we are still playing to win!!
There are obvious characteristics shown by a player who is “playing to win”. Quoting from an article by self improvement writer, Carolyn McCormick on Play To Win vs. Playing Not To Lose, which is worth to share with.
Here is how to Play To Win vs. Playing Not To Lose

Are you avoiding fear or avoiding risk? If you answered yes, then you are playing not to lose rather than playing to win. Henry David Thoreau wisely said, "Most people live lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them." It is human nature to feel safe in a certain comfort zone. We value life being predictable to a large degree. We value sameness, structure, stability and security. Too much of these qualities, however, and our lives become stagnant. By attempting to maintain our comfort zone to feel safe, we actually begin shrinking it. The same applies in business. Unless we step out of our comfort zone by taking risks, learning new things, trying new adventures, we will stagnate. Avoiding fear in our lives and business begins to shrink our comfort zone. Until we decide to stretch ourselves, our comfort zone will continue to shrink with time, resulting in failure and unhappiness in our lives. It is healthy and natural to coast at times. It is important to remember, however, when we coast we are always going downhill! Here is a hint: If we are not playing full out, then we are not playing to win, but rather playing not to lose. This week, ask yourself, "What risks am I avoiding in my life or business?"

Playing to Win Means NO EXCUSES! Playing to win means deciding you will attract and achieve exactly what you desire this year -- No matter what! It means choosing to create a life and business that is thriving this year. Playing to win means choosing to believe you can achieve more income this year; refusing to quit; refusing to think you are limited in anyway by external factors. Playing to win means you know this can be your best year yet -- and it's not too late to jump on it and achieve any big and exciting goals that you may have put on hold -- until now.
Playing to Win Means Becoming Comfortable with Uncertainty: For many people these are uncertain times. If we allow the external factors to decide our certainty, we feel powerless to control situations. We are like a boat being tossed about on the high seas without a rudder to guide us. When we shift our beliefs to say, "I am certain I can succeed no matter what because I know what my priorities are and I will pursue what I value most in life," we now have a rudder to steer our boat no matter what situations threaten to toss us around. We enjoy an internal certainty that cannot be rocked no matter what is happening in the outside world.

For definition on Transformational Leadership and Task-Oriented Leadership, please refer to this site:


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