Saturday, January 9, 2010


Nui - 14th blog

What I learned this week?

I saw your comment on my last week blog. Frankly, I don't understand it exactly on the first time after I read it. I ask Thao to help me explain what you are going to tell me. Maybe because I don't understand the point that you would like tell me. Now I think I understand most of it.

So I try to scope down what to be my experiment.

I decide to focus on turning the historical data to be useful information. By try to follows with TCM framework, process map 10.4-2 Process map for project historical database management.

I will bring the past project information, collected them by working only quantitative information. From this collection, i will produce project data collection form which data will be normalized before keep into database.

"Data Normalization reduces inconsistencies and anomalies within your data. The firs step is to weep out any projects where the data is deemed to be unusable. There are many reasons why the data would not be accetable:Deviant Accounting and/or Project Controls,Small project,Direct Equipment Purchase,Ad Hoc Project" Cited from Transforming Historical Project Data into useful Information

From the above citation, Data will be cut some part out in order to be consistent and able to analyze it. Then I will construct the spreedsheet to show how historical will be shown out as the database and may put some estimation techniques to calculate estimation cost which provide cost estimation range to estimator. With my belief, this will increase confidence on cost estimation from both estimator and reveiwer.

Scope of my paper will be only BTS or BSC node and quantitative data which will limit of my study and not waste too much time but can be successful and understandable for organization when implementing.

I try to think about thing that relevant to my work and benefit to my organization. And I think this is very good idea as the topic itself and very beneficial to the organization as well if it can be REAL implementation. In Ericsson, we always have been asking about knowledge sharing, I think this is the real one to record and use historical data to be beneficial.

Furthermore, as it is shown in process map aboove, not only quanlitative data, it also qualitative and method and tools.

Hi Nui,
Why did't you ask me for clarification of my comment? Didn't I leave you with my email, Skype and even my cellphone number?

My question was and remains, which of the estimating tools are you planning on using? You speak of creating a spreadsheet, but what are you planning to use for the formula in creating your model for the BTS or BSC Nodes?

Are you planning on taking an approach using multi-attribute decision making, as shown in Chapter 14 of your Engineering Economy? Or are you going to use Decision Trees or Monte Carlo Simulation as described in Chapter 12? Or are you going to develop a Cost Estimating Model or Power Sizing Model or Weighted Index or are you planning on calculating the learning curve for installing BTS or BSC Nodes as shown in Chapter 3?

What I am trying to get you to do is focus very narrowly on using at most, 2 or 3 tools then making a comparison between them, which results in a recommendation to your management and colleagues about which tool or technique is most appropriate given YOUR experience.

I suspect you are probably doing this, but have not communicate it yet?

Keep up the good work, Nui!!! You are doing a great job and you will succeed!!

Dr. PDG, Jakarta

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